Not The

51 ST

We are "NotThe51St", an engaged musical group born from a shared desire to express, through art, our opposition to imperialist ambitions and policies that seek to conquer territories in the name of financial power.

Founded by JossNo, our band consists of Canadian and European members, united by music and a common ideal: defending the independence of peoples and cultural diversity.

Our first song, "We Will Not Be The 51St!", is not only directed at the residents of Canada, Greenland, or Mexico. It speaks to all those who refuse to see their nation, their culture, and their sovereignty erased under the pretext of economic and political strategies.

This message is not anti-American. We respect and appreciate the cultural richness, innovation, and diversity of the American people. But we denounce expansionist ideas that reduce entire countries to mere geopolitical acquisitions.

The Song:
"We Will Not Be The 51St!"
We say it loud and clear: we are a music band, not a political movement, and we do not call for any act of violence or vandalism. Our weapons are our instruments, our lyrics, and our artistic commitment.
JossNo, NotThe51St
Our fundamental principles - 
Our fundamental principles- 
Our fundamental principles - 
Our fundamental principles - 
Our fundamental principles - 
Our fundamental principles - 
Our fundamental principles - 
Our fundamental principles - 
Our fundamental principles - 
Our fundamental principles - 
Music as a voice of resistance:
We express our ideas through engaged lyrics and creative energy.
A peaceful opposition::
We advocate neither violence nor hatred but free expression and critical thinking.
Respect for all cultures:
We celebrate diversity and denounce forced uniformity.
The independence of nations and minds:
Every people has the right to choose its future without being subjected to external power plays.
"We Will Not Be The 51St!" is more than just a song:
It is a call to defend the freedom and identity of peoples in the face of hegemonic ambitions.
We are not against a nation. We are for freedom.
Join us, listen, share, and make your voice heard.
We will never be the 51st state.
#NotThe51St #FreeLands #OurLandOurChoice
Apple Music